Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I love you more than the new Godzilla

My son Jimmy and I play this little game at bedtime. I tell him how much I love him, and smother him with hugs and kisses. I tell him "I love your more than anything" and he always replies "No, I love you more" and we continue on for a few mintues.

Sometimes we will say things like "I love you more than the dog" or "more than strawberry milk". The best one I heard was last night when he said "I love you more than the new Godzilla". Words to warm a mommy's heart.

It is funny, when my boys were little, my Joe was the affectionate one. Always wanted to be picked up and held. Jimmy never wanted me, he always wanted Daddy. Joey is more independent now, even though he was the last one to give up his paci, and doesn't seem to need Mommy as much, unless he is having a bad day. Jimmy on the other hand has been extremely affectionate and asks me to lay down with him every night. I used to like my time alone at night after the boys go to bed...but one day I said to myself, they aren't going to ask you forever to do this and soon they will be too big to have their mother lay down with them or worst..I might not be able to.

So I have made a promise to myself, that when my boys need extra mommy time they get it. Even if that means I am late to work or miss one of my favorite TV shows. There are some things in life that are too important to miss. Because we never know when fitzhappens!


April said...

awww what a special moment.. I agree cherish them because they don't stay little for long.


ali cross said...

I read something somewhere, where a mom said she decided she would never stop a hug until the child let go. She started trying it one day, thinking her kids (young teens) would be all over it in a few seconds, and was surprised to discover that they held on and on. She felt she really connected, finally, and the kids were like 'mom, i love you!' when before it seemed they were ready to just flip her off before heading out the door.

She recommended doing the same with our own kids - hugging (snuggling, whatever is the THING in your home) - and not breaking the connection until the child is ready to let go.

So I've been trying it too. I've been surprised at how much my guys love to hug, love to snug (one of mine, charlie asks for the night-time snuggle, like your Jimmy does) and how long they are willing to take time from their play inorder to hug their mom.

I agree, it may not last forever, but while it does, I'm getting in a good stockpile of hugs and loves!

And more than the new Godzilla, eh? You really do rank Janis!

ali :)