Monday, March 13, 2006

Time away from home

Something has happened to me since I began working again. I was home with my boys for over 2 1/2 years when I rejoined the work force. During that time I couldn't wait for a break from them. Granted, they were babies and toddlers..and a lot of work. I would try to snag a weekend away or night out as much as I could.

I have been back in the workforce for 3 years now. I hate being away from them longer than 8 hours. I find myself turning down offers to go out so that I don't have to be away from them for any lengthy period of time.

I went for an overnight last Saturday with a girlfriend. I really didn't want to go. I wanted to stay home with my boys. I was only gone 24 hours but missed them terribly. I couldn't wait to come home. They didn't seem to miss me as much, but they did tell me they loved me at different times during the day. My husband said that even the dog missed me and slept near the stairs waiting for me to come home.

It is nice being missed. It is great to be excited about coming home and seeing your children. I remember when my father worked two jobs and when he came home from work we were so happy to see him! I know people and family members who do not feel this way about their children. That makes me so sad and breaks my heart. I want to tell them how much they are missing with their kids and how much these little lives make me so happy. It also pains me that every day with my kids are worth more to me now, more than ever. A mother shouldn't have to have a wakeup call of a serious illness to value time with her children. Oh well, fitzhappens.

1 comment:

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