Monday, February 20, 2006


Fear is a four letter word. One that has way to much power then it should. It can stop one from living, from moving forward, or making a change.

I remember having a lot of fear when I was pregnant with my twin boys. I had two previous miscarriages and I was so fearful that something was going to happen with this one. When I learned it was twins, that sent my fear into overdrive. My sister, who sometimes has some very valuable wisdom, told me that that I needed to put fear in its place and not let it inhibit me from living. Easier said then done.

For the most part my fear has been under control until a year ago. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Now I live in fear. Fear that it will return. Fear that I wont seen my boys grow into men. Fear I will die a painful death. I try not to let that beast out. But it does rear its ugly head. I hate it. It makes me angry. I wish I could move past it. I know I can. It is hard. But life is hard and fitzhappens.


April said...


I'm amazed at your strength, and I think you are great.. it saddens me to see you down. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know..


ali cross said...

I like that ... Fear is a four letter word. I'm going to remember that!

I can't imagine you being a better person then you were, but if you can manage it,and that's what your illness has done for you, then more power to ya!

I already thought you were amazing, powerful, funny and wonderful!

ali :)

workinmom said...

They have a saying in program - fear can either stand for

"F$#k Everything And Run, or...

Face Everything And Recover.

You are a testament to facing your fears. I know we can never completely rid ourselves of fear, but I believe that as you get farther and farther away from the chemo and stronger and more involved in day to day living, the fear will recede.

You're a helluva fighter, and you've got a killer sense of humor - you'll get through this, too!

Much love....


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