Friday, February 17, 2006

What I have learned from cancer

Before I was diagnosed with cancer I worried about my weight, how I looked, opinions of others
I worried about stuff that matters so little to me now

I look back on my life and I realized
just how truly blessed I am

I knew I was strong,
But because of cancer
I discovered my deeper inner strength!

I thought I was beautiful
But because of cancer
I discovered my true inner beauty!

I thought I was a good person
But because of cancer
I discovered how truly good my friends are

I thought I was caring
But because of cancer
I discovered what true caring is all about!

I thought I listened
But because of cancer
I discovered what it means to listen with my heart!

I thought I saw the beauty that surrounds me
But because of cancer
I discovered just how beautiful my world is!

I thought I was alive
But because of cancer
I discovered what it means to embrace life!

I cried many tears…
Now it’s time for laughter

Since being diagnosed with cancer
I worried every day…
Now it’s time to surrender
Now it’s time to be a survivor
Now it’s time for me to start giving back

I learned a lot about myself…
Now it’s time to be that person

1 comment:

ali cross said...

Wow Janis. Thank you for sharing that. It truly was beautiful.
