Wednesday, March 15, 2006

When did you get so big?

Sometimes I listen in on my son's conversations. I think to myself, now when did they grow up? Where did they learn that phrase? What happened to my toddlers that were late in talking, potty-training and still had a paci at age 3!

When they say things like "I am really serious about this", "I need some help over here", " Why do Aliens want to hurt people?" I just smile. I can't help it. It seems like it was overnight that they went from grunting out commands to speaking full sentences.

I also swell with pride everytime I see their name written in their own hand writting. It may not be perfect and missing a letter but they can write their name! When did that happen?

I was thinking to myself, will I get this emotional at every milestone? When they were little, I don't remember getting all that excited about a tooth. I remember I was excited when they started to crawl and then walk. What a thrill that was. I was pretty keyed up when they finally learned how to pedal a bike.

One day last year after coming home from work one of my boys came running up to me so excited...he had learned how to pump his legs while swinging. He was so excited and proud of himself. I had to go and watch. I was so excited for him too!

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we adults got this excited over simple stuff? like ridding a bike or pumping our legs while we were swinging? Being 5 is pretty cool.

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