Sunday, March 19, 2006

Wow. What a weekend..

I am amazed at what the mind and body can endure. After several weeks of worry and stress over my new pain, the flu for a week, and then a sinus infection, I was worn out. Bone Tired. I didn't realize how tired because I am one of those insane people that push and push myself.

Saturday morning E walked into the room announcing, with tears in his eyes, that the toilet was over flowing. Great. 6:30 a.m. and there is water all over the bathroom floor. I whipped some towels on the floor, tried to un clog it and gave up...I figured my husband could deal with it. I locked the door to prevent any other early risers from committing the same mistake!

I went back to sleep. I slept and slept. I sleep until 10 a.m. Bless my husband for letting me sleep in. I needed it. I must have been exhausted. It felt so wonderful. I got up and showered. By the time I got downstairs it was almost 11 a.m. The boys yelled, "Mom you slept the longest". "Are you sick Mom?" "Why are you sick". I said I was just tired.

I went shopping to one of my favorite stores, Target. Came home and scrapbooked and my Husband made dinner. I enjoyed a few good beers. Life was good. It takes so little to make me happy these days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Janis, I just read your last 2 posts. I had no idea you had to go in for a scan, and I can't imagine how terrifying it must be to have the specter of cancer raised any time you have an ongoing pain like this. I hope this turns out to be something utterly minor and 100% healable.

I'm glad you had a chance to rest and recuperate on Sunday -- you have had such a rough time with everyone being sick, and now this new fear to cope with. Small wonder you were exhausted.

I can't say anything very helpful, but you remain in my thoughts and prayers. Sending you strength and energy and hopes for happiness each day.
