Friday, March 24, 2006

Hello my name is...

Hello my name is Fitz and I am a multitasker! There I said it. I am always doing two things at once. I can't help it. Why do I do this? I am on the phone at home, I start to clean...Or put away dishes, or fold clothes...At work, I will talk on the phone and answer emails or surf the net...
I was filling up my coffee cup this morning and at the same time I was screwing the top on my water bottle that I just filled. I thought to myself this morning why do I do this? When I eat I love to read magazines or read the paper. I watch TV and look at magazines. When I am a passenger in the car, I have to read. I scrapbook and watch TV. I don't even like using the bathroom without using the time to read something. Even if it is the back of a bottle of shampoo!!

Is this crazy? It is a good thing? Or should I be enjoying every task and every moment by itself? Maybe task through life more like a man. I wonder if I am missing something by being a multitasker? Maybe I could teach a course on how to do it? Maybe a new reality TV show! MULTITASK ME.

I will say that I get a ton done every night. But then again some days I feel like I am in a fog. Just as I am getting one task accomplished I see another one that I want to start.

Do you think there is a group called Multitaskers anonymous? Should I start one?
I could probably set something up while I make dinner tonight.


Anonymous said...

You made me laugh -- as I was reading your blog while flossing my teeth...

'Nuff said.

Giz. :)

S said...

Sign me up for the support group... I think the "bottle of shampoo" reading qualifies us.