Sunday, April 02, 2006

That's okay...

My boys are 5. They play, they fight. Today I watched them chase and wrestle each other. One got a little too physical so the other bit him. The biter ran away..I had to chase him and chastise him. The bitee was screaming bloody murder. A few minutes later, tears drying up we went for a walk with the dog.

Son #1, "oh man...It is really bad", the skin was broken. Son #2 "OH let me see, oh I am sorry I did that", Son #1 "that is okay". Son #2 "yeah, but you were hurting my neck", Son #1 "Sorry about that".

It warms my heart that they are compassionate to each other. I wish the world was more like this. I think I am doing good raising them. =0)


April said...

awww what sweet boys!

Mamma said...

A perfect job. Kids can be so darn ornary you want to sell them to the circus, then a second later they can be so achingly sweet you want to hug them and never let go.