Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Scorned by Love

One of my five year old sons came home excited from school last Friday. It seems a young lady in his class had decided that he was the 'one' for her. She made a point of telling all the other little boys that she only wanted him to sit by her, nobody else! They even discussed kissing!

As my son relayed this information to me, smiling from ear to ear, I said that I thought this girl was a little 'fast' for him. He didn't think so. I told him that there was no kissing in school. I don't need my boy getting into any harassment suits by age six.

All weekend long he talked of his new love, Lexis. Oh, she has long brown hair and he wrote a note to invite her over. He asked how to spell words, but when he asked how to spell the work Kiss, I had to put my foot down! No little hussie is going to kiss my baby. ;^)

My husband put up a new swing set this past weekend. My son explained that one swing seat was saved for his girlfriend. He went on and on how they could swing together. It was cute yet disturbing.

As my son was carrying on and on about his new girlfriend (I use that term sarcastically) my husband had a little father son talk with him. My husband told him not to get his hopes up that girls change their minds a lot. Okay, this cracked me up. Love-life advice to a five year old?

Sad but true, my son came home for school telling me that it was over with Lexis. She had thrown him over for another. Lucas. Secretly I was glad. I know evil mom. He didn't seem to bothered. I told him he was too young for girls. He said that he has his eye on another!

I never thought I would be this way, but I don't want my boys to like girls for a long long time. I want to be the center of their female universe for a while longer. Not in the Oedipus type of way, but just the queen for a little while longer.

It should be interesting how my 5 year old son grows into manhood. Will he be this 'into' girls when he gets older? He has 'loved' pretty girls now for 2 years! He always stares at young pretty girls in public. He even used to say out loud.."I love that girl". Guess what? The young girls loved it! When I mean young..teenagers to 20 year olds.

He already told me I need to grow my hair out long. I guess that starts young too. Maybe by the time he is 30 I will ready for him to have a girlfriend, who knows fitzhappens.

1 comment:

April said...

aww what a cutie pie! and a heartbreaker.