Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Moving on up

Wow, I can't believe I am done with treatments. I finished my last treatment of Herceptin, a recently approved drug to fight early stage breast cancer. I was in treatment with one chemo protocol or another for over 18 months. What a difference a year makes. My hair is back, and although the style isn't what I like, not a soul would know that I was bald a year ago. For the most part my energy is back.

I don't have to see my oncologist again for 3 whole months! That is the best news. I won't have to have blood drawn or poked with needles for another 3 months! Life is good when this is a major milestone.

They say that most cancers, if they are to reoccur, will happen in the first 2-5 years. I will hit my 2-year anniversary in December. I still have that 'fear' in the back of my mind and I don't think I will need to save for retirement. But then, I think to myself, maybe just maybe I will be one of the lucky ones who makes it. Who is in the 40% that lives past 5 years with out a recurrence. If I am really lucky, I will be in the new generation of survivors that even with a 'poor' prognosis, will be around to tell about it for in decades to come.

People always ask how I am doing, did they get it all, am I okay now. I know that they are caring and for the most part concerned. But for some reason, it bothers me and I don't know why.

My mom tells me that I will be around and has no fears that I wont be. Or least she has not shared them if she did. Most of my family and friends just assume that I am okay now. Only BC survivors really understand the fear of knowning this beast can rear its ugly head again. And that the second time is not the charm.


S said...

You're right, we can't understand, but we can believe that you're one lucky girl. You rock, J - congratulations!
AWA, Susan

Mamma said...

I am so happy for you and your family.

April said...

Happy news!

xo, April

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on making it through to the end of these very long treatments!! It's fabulous to know you don't have to go back for three whole months, and I hope the visits get further and further apart from then on.

I'm sure nobody can understand the fear of recurrence which lurks at the back of your mind. But remember how significantly the herceptin treatment improves your odds, and also remember that somebody has to be in the percentage which makes it through. I hope & pray that you are one of them, and live to need that retirement $$ for many years after all.

((HUGS)) Giz. :)