Saturday, April 22, 2006

What have we done??

Seriously, what have we done to the next generation? I am in my forties. The tail end of the so called baby boomers although I don't classify myself as a boomer. But some of the 35 and younger set really bugs me. They expect so much for so little.

So what am I talking about?

Example one...I was at the grocery store today. Needless to say we now have to load our own carts, take them to our cars and unload them, that is besides the point...I digressed..So something fell off the conveyor and it broke, so the cashier called 'customer service' and asked for a new one. This young gal comes walking up (slow) and grabs my item (scrubbing bubbles) and proceeds to get a new one. Mean time I am done checking out...I watch her walk all the way to produce and think, dang! This is going to take all day...So I ask the cashier to watch my fully loaded cart and I go to the bathroom. I come back, still no scrubbing bubbles and no girl. Two more people check out and the lane is closed!
Now I am not an impatient person, with all my waiting for doctors the past 18 months, I know how to wait, but this girl took over 10 minutes!!! I could have done so major power shopping during this time. It was like she didn't care?

Example two...The young men who work for me. They seem to expect to be highly compensated without the experience and education. Just because their job is hard and they do it well. Isn't that what we are paying them to do?

I remember working my hiney off, when I worked in a retirement home, retail, as a file clerk, a computer programmer, and so on...I always put in a full day and gave more. I rose up through the ranks. I never expected to rise to the top in a short time. I knew it took time and hard work.

I think the generation behind me expects too much to be given to them. I think their parents gave them too much. I worry that I might do that to my own boys. I see the next generation unable to think on their own, face adversity and perservere.

But then again, maybe the generation before me felt the same about our generation. I was living on my own by age 19, going to school full time and holding down a full time job. Oh well Fitz happens.


S said...

I feel your pain, but with teachers telling my child that "C's are OK", how do we change the mentality?

Anonymous said...

I agree with you entirely. I'm half-way through reading a book called "Too Much of a Good Thing: Raising Children of Character in an Indulgent Age" by Dan Kindlon. He is a MA psychologist who is on the teaching faculty at Harvard, and who has spent many years working as a school psychologist. (He also co-authored "Raising Cain" about protecting the emotional life of boys.) I loved Raising Cain & I'm loving this book as well. He looks at the effects of our desire to indulge our children in every little thing, and how giving them everything and more actually hampers their development of strong and independent character. It makes a good read.

Giz. :)

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