Thursday, April 20, 2006


I once read that Character is what you do when no one is looking. I have always believed that. To the depth of my soul. I feel that I have good character. My ex husband, had horrible character. My husband now, has great character. That is why I married him. I had such a horrible experience with #1 putting other things first before me and his daughter and not 'doing what was right'. So when I started to date after my divorce, I was going to marry a man with character!

The other day I was in the parking ramp and was exiting to leave. I noticed an older woman wandering around. It was very obvious that she had misplaced her car. I had proceeded to leave, then looked in my rear view mirror. I could not leave the ramp unless I helped her. I parked my car again and got out.

I found her and ask her if I could help. When I got near to her tears had filled her eyes. I told her it was okay, that I had done this once, and we will find her car. I was in no hurry and not to worry. We wandered around a bit, and I offered to drive her around if we didn't find it soon. Finally, we found it. She was so relieved. She hugged me and said "thank you lady". I say no problem.

I was so happy I could help her. Being scared and alone and lost is no fun. I am so glad that I did stop. It was a blessing for me as much as it must of been to her. When ever I can do random acts of kindness I do. I hope I am remember for this for years to come...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No matter how many good deeds you do, you will ALWAYS be from the City of Sin! HA HA!!