Friday, August 11, 2006

Full Moon

Through out our lives Full Moons have had many different meanings. I think when I was growing up I probably never gave a full moon a second thought just enjoying how neat it looked up in the sky. As I neared adolescent I am sure the thoughts of vampires and werewolves must have crossed my mind.

As we become more aware of our world we share stories about people acting strangely on a full moon. Emergency rooms are filled to capacity, people do weird things and all of the weirdos are out. When everyone at work acted strangely for a few days one can almost guarantee that someone will say "must of been a full moon".

As humans we always want to explain away everything in life. That there is a reason and purpose for every event in our lives. Greek Mythology, religion, legends and myths. It is so intertwined in our culture, every culture on this planet.

The other night my dog Charlie started licking me around 2 a.m. in the morning. This is not a normal event. So I am sure that he had to go outside. I dragged myself out of bed and went down stairs. The back yard was lit up, like there was a flood light shining off the house. I looked up. It was the moon. It was awesome. As the dog was running around the back yard chasing whatever I couldn't help but enjoy that full moon. I wasn't worried about werewolves or crazy people, but just so full of awe at the sight. I almost wanted to wake up the family. I am sure they would have thought I was crazy.

A full moon on a clear night is truly amazing and beautiful. One of those things in life that if we are moving too fast we can miss. I try to enjoy things like this more often, for some reason, cancer or not, I have been stopping to look at the world around me. I don't want it to happen with out me anymore.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

My girls are very in sync with you. All 3 are fascinated by the moon. This morning on our drive to camp, Kiera was chatting to herself about the moon. When we arrived and I went to take her out, I realized that the "day-moon" was out and she wasn't talking to herself, but to the moon! Keep smelling those roses and looking at the moon - nothing is going to pass you by.