Monday, July 17, 2006

Mail Box Mouse

Last Friday I stopped at my mail box like I always do to gather the mail and when I opened the door, two little eyes were starring back at me! Holy crap, it was a mouse. He (or she), I am assuming it was a he, made a little nest in our mail box. We live in a rural area on a dirt road so this shouldn't be a total shock.

For some odd reason I found this wonderful, funny and it made me happy. How could a stupid mouse in a mail box make me happy? Well, it is the surprise of it all. The surprise that a mouse chose our mailbox to call his home. Surprised that he didn't eat my Pottery Barn Catalog. Surprised that the cat hasn't "offed" him as my cat takes great pride in stalking creatures around our home. I was excited to tell all who would listen. My boys were very excited. So much so, against my strongest wishes, reached in to move the mouse's nest. In doing so, the mouse jumped out of the mail box and ran! Picture 3 little boys and a dog trying to chase a mouse around with a butterfly net. Does life get any better?

This mouse must of had a strong will to make the mailbox his home. For some reason I had to check the mailbox every day to see if my new friend had come back. He had. He was all stretched out and enjoying his new home. I would think it would be a hot house. Any port in storm I guess. I think it is pretty neat that we have a mouse in our mail box and I am not going to disturb him unless he does start eating my mail.

I wonder what the mail person is going to think? Fitzhappens!


April said...

Ohh I'd of died!! I wouldn't have been able to get my mail, lol. In fact I just caught two mice in seperate rooms at my house on those sticky traps.. yuck.

S said...

I'm with Sarah, I can totally start seeing mouse-sized bedding headed out there.... too funny, and definitely good karma. (Is it Ralph?)

Anonymous said...

I'm loving your perspective.

Glad you're blogging today. I check now and again... :)