Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Like a Hurricane

I have decided that Cancer is like a hurricane. Some storms are a category 1 or 2 and we make it through with very little damage. When the storms are 3,4, or 5 it beats us down. It may take years to rebuild or eventually destroy us. Sometimes we get a small reprieve in the eye of the hurricane which is called 'remission' or 'no evidence of disease'.

Having been diagnosed with BC I feel like I am a coastal city now. I carry on with my normal life watchful on the 'weather'. I try not to focus on it too much until I have a doctor appointment, blood test or scan. Once I get through an event, it is peaceful again.

There is no way to predict accurately how bad real hurricanes will be, it is the same with cancer. I have read too many stories where they thought they 'got it all' only to have it come back with a vengeance. But then again I have read stories where the outcome was expected to be dire, and the storm passed quickly with little damage.

For cancer survivors it is always Hurricane season.


Anonymous said...

Janis, I have been trying to think of an appropriate comment for days, but everything that comes into my mind sounds fatuous and useless. But I figured it's better to say something useless than to sit here in silence, so here goes. I'm sorry you're living in a coastal city now, with one eye on the weather. I wish someone could take that uncertainty away from you. Most importantly, (((HUGS))).


Anonymous said...

Janis what a soulful look at the other side, a compelling post. I keep the weather station on but the volume turned down.

I was not bred to suffer. And neither were you or our bc sisters.

We've taken a big hit but we're on good ground, for now.

ali cross said...

Wow Janis, that is such a great analogy it totally brings it home to me, helps me to understand.

Thank you for sharing that and for enlightening me in the process.

I hope you always enjoy sweet and balmy weather!


Anonymous said...

You write everything right out of my heart. Best wishes to you and your family.


Florence said...

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