Sunday, September 10, 2006

My babies are growing up...

My babies started kindergarten last week. Where did the time go? I never thought I would be one of those mothers that didn't want her children to grow up. Guess what? I am. I miss the days they were toddlers. I miss my fat pudgy little pacifier sucking boys. They are growing so fast. People tell you that. Just wait they say, they grow up so fast. I thought 'yeah yeah whatever...I am in sleep deprivation hell' and you are telling me this will fly by?

So as they got onto the bus I felt like crying, just a bit. They didn't look back or wave, they piled on to begin their new lives as school aged children.

The hardest part for me was two-fold. The boys are into saying things like "when I am bigger can I do this or that" or they talk about their future in school and the things they want to do. Never in a million years would I have imagined that I might not be a part of that future. G*d forbid. If the fates are kind to me, and the chemo worked I will be with them. Through all the homework, broken friendships, games, good grades and bad, and girls! I just hope I can experience those sleepless nights worrying about where they are at 11:00 at night, wanting them home. I hope they will still want to hang out with me too.

Where did the time go? I guess fitzhappens.

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